Harness the power of your Brand and Digital Marketing?

Building your brand through digital platforms takes some work, but it could help you to build valuable connections. Even if you only use social media occasionally, the content you create, share or react to feeds into the public narrative. How you conduct yourself online is now just as important as your behavior offline.

Contact Us Today!

Our Mission:

We approach each project with the objective to D.R.E.A.M

·Drive our customers beyond their creative thresholds
·Realize and satisfy our customers’ content needs
·Elevate content to a standard of professionalism and uniqueness
·Attract positive attention and feedback through multi-media platforms
·Materialize ideas into impactful content

Our Strategy:

Being a leader in the production and content creation industry means having a strategy that is both dynamic and holistic. Our integrated digital marketing approach connects our clients to their target audiences through these multi-media tools:

· Communications
· Photography
· Brand Definition
· Graphic Design
· Social Media Content
· Advertising

We create integrated strategies using all these elements so that our customers can witness their ideas materialize into content that creates memories, boosts interactions, converts into sales and creates a dominant presence via all media and social media platforms.

Click here to find out which of our services best suits your needs!

Our Partners:

Our content remains versatile and relevant through our relationships with a number of brands that specialize in various areas of content creation:

·  Evolve Creative (Multimedia)
·  Exquisite Media (Photography)
·  Carol Nicole (Event Planning)
·  Youngstarr Entertainment (Lighting)
·  Belize Writing Firm (Writing & Communications)

Through these collaborations, Dreamlight Studio has developed a network of experts that are capable of competing among the best photographers, videographers and graphics service providers in Belize.

Meet the Founder:

Olynn Kingston – CEO & Founder

Olynn is the head of operations at Dreamlight Studio and the engineer of all its moving parts. With over 10 years of experience in photography, videography, graphic design and editing collectively, he has turned this brainchild of his into a multi-media power house. Through his vision and leadership, our studio has developed a master plan that can transform any creative thought into audiovisual artistry.

“Della the Great Fella” is the man behind the camera who helps you to relive your most treasured memories again and again. For over five years, he has worked to perfect his style of professional photography to provide our clients with the best of his skills and knowledge. As Lead Photographer, Della has a keen eye for lighting, spatial positioning and all the other elements of capturing beautiful moments.

With Kory’s 5+ years of experience in creative writing, technical writing and Public Relations he can craft messages and written content that is clear and eloquent that will surely connect you to the right audience. He provides our team with the know-how to understand what to say, how to say it and to whom it should be said and what platforms to use for optimum results.